Friday, December 31, 2010

Dave Ramsey's Life. Money. Hope. Part 1

Are you going to Live for God this year? I am not going to hide the fact that I am a Christian and that all that I own belongs to God. Living DEBT FREE is a choice. The Rapid Debt Reducer is a tool that helps people get out of debt the Dave Ramey's method.

Create a plan today to get out of debt.  Live life to the fullest. Stop the bleeding

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Medicare Bound to Bust as First Boomers Hit 65 - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Medicare Bound to Bust as First Boomers Hit 65 - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Medicare, Social Security are all going Broke, however you will not hear to much of this from our Government. Gas prices predicted to be at 5.00 plus a gallon by 2012.

95 % of Americans will retire with little more then Social Security! Why is that the greatest Nation in the World has the poorest citizens? We are a nation of Consumers. What does that mean we are a Nation of Squanders, wasteful people.

Remember the next time you here about the "consumer" index. To me it is the Squanders Index. Alright that should be enough to start with for today's topic.

I don't care about Medicare or Social Security because I have learned to live below my means and not use credit cards for anything except an emergency with doesn't happen like that.

Today's youth, the ones lucky enough to have a job are paying for yesterdays workers and Social Security will be broke by 2035, and no medicare. Today's workers have less benefits then yesterdays workers.

Just the other day there was an article about how American companies have posted some of their biggest gains in 2010 but American workers are still unemployed. That is scary!

Some steps to take:
Create a personal financial plan today to know where you are at and where you want to go.
Keep this plan where you can look at it every pay day.
Stop credit spending.
Create a personal budget.
Learn how to invest.
Contribute to your 401k if your employer does a matching program.

The true wealthy people in America are living in middle class neighbourhoods driving used vehicles. The people pretending to be wealthy live in fancy homes, and lease or buy expensive cars to impress one another.

Plan on living with out Social Security, it does not exist, its just a tax that we have to pay because the government has robbed the fund dry. One day we will get real leaders that will turn this country around. You can't give people who are unwilling to work or serve the public good benefits that they did not pay for, and expect the ones working for it to pay for it.

The Rapid Debt Reducer is a free personal financial tool to help people create a financial plan that will eliminate debt, create a budget and plan for the future. Try it today.

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Videos on the Rapid Debt Reducer

Overview of the  Rapid Debt Reducer Online Software.


Free online software to create a financial plan that will eliminate all DEBTS in the shortest possible time with the money you already make.
Create a plan that will:
  1. Eliminate Consumer Debt
  2. Personal Debt
  3. Credit Card Debt
  4. Mortgage Debt
  5. Reduce Debt
  6. Create a Budget

Follow your plan to financial Freedom! That's it.

Two great books on Debt Elimination: One doe not have to look far to get great help on creating a plan, however following the plan can be hard without help. We are here to help you live better and stick to your Financial plan.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Family Finance Advisor :: How To Setup a Budget and Save Your Family Money!

Budgeting seems to always be a tough subject. Who has time to make a budget let alone follow it?

Okay, first a personal budget is a guide, a document that you have set down and looked at your money coming in and the money going out. With out a budget you will not know where your money is going each month which will lead to over spending. According to the US debt Clock website:

Americans carry 2.4 Trillion Dollars in consumer debt of which 791Billion is credit card Debt. Which means using the national average Credit card interest rate of 14 % that Americans will give away 1.2 trillion dollars of their hard earned money to credit card companies in interest ALONE because of over spending and possible poor planning.

Family Finance Advisor provides some free resource to family financial issues. Also you can create a free financial plan at the Rapid Debt Reducer website were we teach people about financial literacy and provide financial tools to plan better.

I once read a book by Jimmy Carter called the "Hornets Nest" Copyright 2003 The novel of the revolutionary war provides a possible true image of the American Indians and how they were being cheated. The Hornet's Nest: A Novel of the Revolutionary War

Here it is. Kindred a character in the book says that it is a shame the way the Indians are being cheated, Ethan didn't think so, he claimed that the Indians did not have to trade if they don't want to. Ethan claims that the Indians  are the ones begging for the goods and buying more than they can pay for. (Sound familiar yet?) I will go on.

Kindred claimed that "they are too ignorant to know how to trade" Of course Ethan didn't think so, after all they can sign treaties and make agreements that they don't carry out.(watch for the punch line) Ethan continues "Besides they can always pay off their debts when they work out a new deal on land" Now we all know how that worked out for the Indians.

Listen folks, If we the people don't start looking at how we are doing thing the future is bleak for those that fail to plan, and live within their means.

Okay for the GOOD news it is easier to get out of debt then you think. You have to create a plan and follow it, that is where the budgeting come in to play. Use Debt Stacking to get out of debt, create a budget today. PLEASE

Friday, December 3, 2010

10-expenses-to-cut-to-help-pay-off-credit-card-debt: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

10-expenses-to-cut-to-help-pay-off-credit-card-debt: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

I have long said that you should write down everything that you spend for at least two weeks, so that you know where your money is going. The articles are coming early this year as people are tightening their belts and spending less.

Most people can eliminate credit card debt in less the nhalf the normal time and save thousands of dollars from going to interest payments in the process. Debt stacking or debt snowball is a method of paying down debt with the money that is already going to these payments. Of course any thing extra will speed the process of debt freedom, however you need to keep in mind that some money should go into an emergency fund so that in case of an emergency it will lesson the potential financial set back.

Okay as always I must remind you to vist the Rapid Debt Reducer website and follow the financial plan to financial freedom. Invest in yourself this year and enjoy life.

Demo financial Software

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fed aid in financial crisis went beyond U.S. banks to industry, foreign firms

Fed aid in financial crisis went beyond U.S. banks to industry, foreign firms

I am glad to see Senator Sanders in there fighting for us little people. These companies that hedged fund their future then withthe Feds help took a part of ours. Every dollar should be paid back with great interst!

Wait what I am saying the only ones who pay taxes and interest is the middle class. I teach a system that will make most people rich, and financial secure. When people pay attention to where their money is going they then become concerned with the bigger picture, that is the US economy.

Create a financial plan today, it's free and you deserve it. You can live with out consumer debt and eliminate your mortgage in half the time with the mney you already make.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

US Stocks End 2% Higher On Strong Economic News - CNBC

US Stocks End 2% Higher On Strong Economic News - CNBC

Stocks start off higher for December. I don't know if this is a sign the economy is doing better? Let's wait and see after the first week. For every article I read that says the economy is doing better there are ten that says the opposite.

In order for America to have a sustainable strong economy, Americans are going to have to continue to eliminate consumer debt, balance their check books and vote people into office that will make the right decisions.

Friday, November 26, 2010

EU Debt Crisis - Next Debt Crisis May Start in Washington: Bair - CNBC

EU Debt Crisis - Next Debt Crisis May Start in Washington: Bair - CNBC

This article highlights the urgent need for America to take notice and accountability for the financial crisis its in. Instead We the people sit idly by while congress argues and spends us and our great, great grandchildren to bondage. As America will lose its status as a world power and will not be able to influence (buy off ) those to support IT. North Korea, and Iran are examples of the lack of USA influence. Two rogue nations with the support of both China and Russia, does any one see the big picture here?

Mean while back in the States the programs that have been setup to provide a mere lifeline to Americans who fail to plan for their future has been robbed for other purposes. Social Security is broke and so is medicare where today's younger workers are being taxed to support those who are retiring. This system was not setup that way. Pension funds no longer need to be fully or even 50% funded, so when the companies make poor choices, it's the workers that have supported them all through the years that will pay for it.

That is enough doom and gloom, what can we the people do? The first thing I think that we need to do is seek to eliminate all the individual debt that we carry. Start with consumer debt. Create a plan to stop using credit cards and debt spending. This can be done by creating a simple budget so that you know where your money is going each month. After the consumer debt is paid focus on the mortgage. Most people can eliminate all debt including the mortgage in only five to eight years wit h the money they already make. I will teach you how at the Rapid Debt Reducer for free.

It doen't matter what your political persasion is - Congress has to be held accountable. We need a flat tax that every one pays even companies. It is not a popular choice because it would cut out 99% of the accountinfg firms, special interest groups, and IRS. However it would be good for our Nation

Gene Jolley
Helping people to live better
Visit us on the web at

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Welcome To The Rapid Debt Reducer

With our national debt reaching unprecedented amounts we need to be responsible for our own finances.  In the wake of the oncoming economical tidal wave we need to become debt free to weather the storm.  If we are debt free we have the ability to live on less and save what we have.
Online Rapid Debt Reducer

Most people live paycheck to paycheck and barely make ends meet.  Saving little if any for the future.  This way of life is unsustainable and a disaster waiting to happen.  It doesn't have to be this way.  The Rapid Debt Reducer online software will show you how to eliminate all debts and save you thousands on interest payments with the money you already make.  This money will then be used to create a nest egg for the future.  Please visit our website at to create your own personal financial plan for free!